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Get Waivered’s Remote Course

COVID-19 has created new barriers to care

Isolation impacts patients struggling with addiction

Clinics are reducing hours and limiting the intake of new patients

For many, the ED is their only source of treatment

Getting X-waivered can make a difference and save lives



  • MD, DO
  • PA
  • Residents*
  • Medical Students*
  • *Residents & medical students are encouraged to attend for clinical competency-building, however will not be X-waiver eligible until full DEA licensure


    Get Waivered Remote is a FREE 1-hour “X-press” course

    Get Waivered is finding solutions

    to move patients out of the emergency room

    and into evidence-based care




    Total Seats

    Upcoming Sessions

    DEA-X Waiver Training

    Get Waivered and Get Waivered Remote are sponsored by FORE as part of the National Emergency Medicine Consortium. The Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts (FORE) was founded in 2018 as a private 501(c)(3) national, grant-making foundation focused on addressing the nation’s opioid crisis.
